Rocket Rounding Quick Start guide - Desktop App


Congratulations and welcome to the Rocket Rounding Family!

Rocket Rounding is quick and easy to set up for your network and location. This quick start guide is not meant to outline all features of the desktop application, but rather to get you rounding as quickly as possible.

In this guide we’ll cover:

  1. Registering a new account

  2. Accepting your network and location profile invites

  3. Creating groups and subjects to round on

  4. Creating categories for responses

  5. Creating a survey

  6. Rounding on a subject

  7. Accessing alerts

  8. Performing service recovery

Let’s get started


  1. Registering a new account

Click “Register new account”, enter your email and click “next” and you should receive an email with a link to set your password. If you do not receive an email, please check your spam folder, or click the “resend email” button on the Rocket Rounding application.



2. Accepting your network and location profile invites

Sign-in to the application and click “Manage invites”, then click “accept” under the network and/or location profiles. Once you have accepted the invites, click “Return to select profile” where you will be prompted to chose a network and then a location profile.



3. Creating groups and subjects to round on

Groups are a collection of subjects, and subjects are the objects that are rounded on. A Group can represent a collection of patient beds, a collection of employees, or any “subjects” a location wants to round on. Subjects can have the same name, but cannot have the same unique ID (such as an employee ID, email or phone number).

To create a group:

  1. Select “Groups” from the side navigation. This opens a list view of Groups for the active location

  2. Click the “+Group button” in the upper left corner of the screen. *Note if button is greyed out, your location profile doesn’t have permissions to create, update, or delete groups


To create a subject:

  1. To add a subject to a group, begin by clicking on the group name

  2. Click the “+subject” button. This will take you to the add subject form


Click the following for more details on creating groups and subjects



4. Creating categories for responses

  1. Click “Categories” in the side navigation

  2. Click “+category” in the upper right left area of the screen



5. Creating a survey

  1. Select “Survey builder” from the side navigation

  2. Click “+Survey” at the top left of the screen


Click the following for more details on creating surveys



6. Rounding on a subject

  1. Click “Round” on the side navigation

  2. Follow the “stepper” instructions at the top of the screen. Begin by choosing the group you want to round on by clicking the drop down under the first step titled: “Select a group to start rounding”. Note that you will only see groups you have permission to round on.


Click the following for more details on rounding



7. Accessing alerts

To access alerts on the desktop application you can click the bell in the navigation bar. This is the active alerts that have been assigned to you by a location admin. You can also access alerts for the location by clicking “alerts total” or by selecting an “alert status” on the dashboard. These links are accessible to the right of any of the dashboard stat line graphs on a location’s dashboard. (*Note, you will need to have the correct permission to view these.) One more easy way to access alerts is by groups stats, category stats, or rounder stats on the dashboard. Whenever filtering by one of these, you can click the number link under “Active alerts” for the list item.

Click the following for more details on accessing alerts.



8. Performing service recovery

Click on a round with alerts which will open the round detail page and find the response with the alert you intend to address. You can then Change the alert status to one of the following: “In Progress”, “Resolved”, or Unable to resolve”. Leave an optional note if more detail is required.

GeneralLauren Hurt