Creating groups and subjects on the desktop app
Groups are a collection of subjects, and subjects are the objects that are rounded on. A Group can represent a collection of patient beds, a collection of employees, or any “subjects” a location wants to round on. Subjects can have the same name, but cannot have the same unique ID (such as an employee ID, email or phone number).
Select “Groups” from the side navigation. This opens a list view of Groups for the active location.
To create a group:
Click the “+Group button” in the upper left corner of the screen. *Note if button is greyed out, your location profile doesn’t have permissions to create, update, or delete groups
2. Type in the name of your group (e.g. “Emergency department”)
3. Choose surveys you want available for the group. These are the surveys that the rounder can choose prior to rounding on a subject. If you have not created any surveys, you can add a groups during survey creation
4. Click “Add subjects when done” if you want to immediately add subjects to your group after creating it
5. Click “Create”
Bulk adding groups:
Click the “Bulk action” drop down in the upper left area of the groups page
Choose “ Bulk upload groups”
3. Click the information button for detailed instructions on how to create a .csv file and add bulk groups
Creating subjects:
To add a subject to a group, begin by clicking on the group name
Click the “+subject” button. This will take you to the add subject form
3. Add your subject’s name and a unique ID for your subject. The unique ID is required because subjects with the same name can sometimes have the same group
4. Click “create” to add your subject or click “Add additional subject” to include more than one subject